Ngrams – Computational Analysis of Google Ngrams Data

I recently did an invited talk for the student linguistics group at York St John University in York. The paper was broadly on the analysis of Ngrams data and was therefore a something of a summary of about 5 papers that I have been involved with over a number of years. It was nice to do a sort of overview of a fairly long project, and I was able to give the students a sense of how a program of research evolves as you get further into the empirical evidence and have to construct and test theories about what it is that you think is going on.

The work is an analysis of Google Ngrams data, where we attempt to explain the observed changes in word frequencies. Including the links between events and the words that we use in our language. We also investigated the explanatory power of the neutral model, and how well it fits changing patterns of word frequencies. I have linked the slides below so you can see what was presented, and the references are below that show the evolution of the work. I think I will do a podcast of this work in the future as I think its an interesting story.

Java Panama Papers Neo4J Network Generator

Further to the first attempt at importing the Panama Papers network data into Neo4J I did a very quick Java program that greats an embedded Neo4J database. It needs a bit of checking as it finds nodes that have the same node_id. Which I assume is some sort of mistake in the program or the data, it also looks like there is some duplicate relationships.

This program generates relationships of the different types. Such as ‘officer_of’, rather than the hack used to get Cypher to import the data (see earlier post).

The code can be found in my new github.

Below is Blairmore, Ian Cameron, the intermediary, and loads of other companies that use the same intermediary.









Not many directly links to Blairmore.